Cookie Policy

Effective Date: 15-May-2024
Last Updated: 15-May-2024


What are cookies?


How do we use cookies?


Types of Cookies we use


Manage cookie preferences

Cookie Settings

You can change your cookie preferences any time by clicking the above button. This will let you revisit the cookie consent banner and change your preferences or withdraw your consent right away.

In addition to this, different browsers provide different methods to block and delete cookies used by websites. You can change the settings of your browser to block/delete the cookies. Listed below are the links to the support documents on how to manage and delete cookies from the major web browsers.




Internet Explorer:

If you are using any other web browser, please visit your browser’s official support documents.


Collection and usage of personal data.

By using our site, you agree that We (EZRsgold) and our livechat provider (Zendesk) may collect, store and use your personal data such as:

  • Details which are: your time spent on our website, page views, which source referred you to us, your operating system, current user location, type and version of the browser, IP address, your billing address.
  • Details that you leave us with an intent to subscribe to our newsletter and get email notifications.
  • Details necessary to process any purchase or provide service, including email address, name, telephone number, address, card details.
  • Details of conversations that you sent us via our chat service including metadata associated with these conversations.
  • Any other details you might send to us.

We need all of the above mentioned data to provide our services, for you to be redirected to the payment platforms available, such as PayPal, BTC, etc. We use Google Analytics to get the statistical data of our website’s visitor traffic.

We are using your data to:

  • Run our business in the most efficient way.
  • Make customer experience as pleasant as possible.
  • Manage customers’ reports related to our services.
  • Deliver goods via our site.
  • Send payments to our customers.
  • Process purchases and provide services.
  • Send invoices to or get payments from our customers.
  • Send emails for marketing purposes; there is option to unsubscribe at any time.
  • Send newsletters; there is an option to unsubscribe at any time.
  • To prevent possible fraud – security is of utmost importance to us.

Permission to handle information

By using any of our services or making any kind of transaction with us you are giving your consent to collect, use and, if necessary, disclose any information provided. Information might only be used for the above-mentioned purposes. Consent can be withdrawn at any time on a written request. Information will be handled in accordance with laws and regulations.

Collecting personal details

We will only collect and use necessary personal details related to our services. Your personal information will be handled in accordance with the current laws and regulations.

Using, disclosing and storing personal details

Customers’ details will not be used or disclosed for any purposes, other than those for which it was collected. Any other use of personal details requires the owner’s consent unless it is legally demanded by a law officer. Personal details will be stored for as long as necessary. Any information handled by EzRsGold will be held to be confidential and will only be released to third parties if necessary for fulfillment of services and transactions provided by us or if required by the current laws and regulations.

Keeping personal details up-to-date

We will store personal customer details in our possession, as well as control its accuracy, completeness and relevancy based on the most up–to-date information available. Customers can challenge the accuracy and completeness of their data at any time as well as have it changed appropriately.

Safeguarding sensitive personal details

We protect personal details appropriate to the sensitivity of the information. Your personal details will be kept in a file stored on our database which uses encryption as well as password protection. In addition to this, we have organizational processes in place to limit access to our customers’ personal information to selected individuals.

Making details about policies and procedures accessible

We are open about what procedures are used in handling personal details. Individuals can access the information about these procedures by getting in touch with us directly via email or online chat. Details on the procedures will be available in an easy to understand format.

Providing access to personal details

Upon individual request, we will disclose the individual what personal information we have stored or control about them, what purpose the data is stored for, and whom it has been disclosed to.

Upon individual request, we will grant an individual access to their personal data that we store or control. Under certain circumstances, nonetheless, we may not be able to give individuals access to all of their personal information including situations where the requested data is prohibitively costly to provide, contains information about other customer’s personal data, cannot be disclosed for legal, security or commercial propriety.

Third party websites

Our online store website may include details of or hyperlinks to third party websites. We cannot supervise, and are not responsible for, the state of privacy policies and practices of any third parties.

Dealing with complaints and questions

Individuals may contact us regarding any questions or inquiries with respect to the policy outlined above, as well as our practices by reaching us via the contacts provided below.